Callgrind Flamegraphs

Flamegraphs are opt-in and can be created if you pass a FlamegraphConfig to the BinaryBenchmarkConfig or LibraryBenchmarkConfig. Callgrind flamegraphs are meant as a complement to valgrind's visualization tools callgrind_annotate and kcachegrind.

For example create all kind of flamegraphs for all benchmarks in a library benchmark:

extern crate iai_callgrind;
mod my_lib { pub fn bubble_sort(_: Vec<i32>) -> Vec<i32> { vec![] } }
use iai_callgrind::{
    library_benchmark, library_benchmark_group, main, LibraryBenchmarkConfig,
use std::hint::black_box;

fn bench_library() -> Vec<i32> {
    black_box(my_lib::bubble_sort(vec![3, 2, 1]))

library_benchmark_group!(name = my_group; benchmarks = bench_library);

fn main() {
    config = LibraryBenchmarkConfig::default()
    library_benchmark_groups = my_group

The produced flamegraph *.svg files are located next to the respective callgrind output file in the target/iai directory.

Regular Flamegraphs

Regular callgrind flamegraphs show the inclusive costs for functions and a single EventKind (default is EventKind::Ir), similar to callgrind_annotate. Suppose the example from above is stored in a benchmark iai_callgrind_benchmark:

Regular Flamegraph

If you open this image in a new tab, you can play around with the svg.

Differential Flamegraphs

Differential flamegraphs facilitate a deeper understanding of code sections which cause a bottleneck or a performance regressions etc.

Differential Flamegraph

We simulated a small change in bubble_sort and in the differential flamegraph you can spot fairly easily where the increase of Instructions is happening.

(Experimental) Create flamegraphs for multi-threaded/multi-process benchmarks

Note the following only affects flamegraphs of multi-threaded/multi-process benchmarks and benchmarks which produce multiple parts with a total over all sub-metrics.

Currently, Iai-Callgrind creates the flamegraphs only for the total over all threads/parts and subprocesses. This leads to complications since the call graph is not be fully recovered just by examining each thread/subprocess separately. So, the total metrics in the flamegraphs might not be the same as the total metrics shown in the terminal output. If in doubt, the terminal output shows the the correct metrics.